Coaching Services.

Health coaching is a client centered approach to health care that places you in the drivers seat.

The underlying principle of coaching is a firm belief that you are the expert in your body. As your coach my job is to support and guide you along the way to making the decisions that move you closer to your own, individual health goals.

As a provider trained in both traditional western and functional lifestyle medicine I strive to always walk the line between both of these philosophies recognizing the benefits and limitations of each and support you along the path that aligns with your personal beliefs, values and goals.

Coaching Programs

Hormone Healing

Ideal for anyone experiencing hormone based symptoms such as chronic fatigue, acne, gut dysfunction, inflammation, sleep disturbances abnormal, painful or missing periods, infertility and more.

Female Athlete Resilience Program (F.A.R)

Designed uniquely for the active woman struggling to move and exercise in ways she wants to due to hormone imbalances. Symptoms may include chronic/recurrent injury and illness, exercise intolerance, sleep dysfunction, gut dysfunction menstrual cycle dysfunction, abnormal, painful or absent periods, infertility & postpartum challenges.

β€œI can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it”

-Maya Angelou